Thursday, 19 April 2012


I really enjoyed hanging out with my Drama teacher and another Drama Factory member at the Botanical Gardens on Monday. We finalized the main ideas for our production.

That was one hours worth of blogging *facepalm*  Come on Reuben concentrate. Think bloggy type thoughts....

It has been a really cool experience being involved in the construction of a play and although we had a very basic template we had to pretty much come up with all the twists and turns that occur during the play ourselves. That was a lot harder then I had expected and it has kinda meant that I haven't thought much about my book that I am attempting to write writing. To prove that I am actually writing it here is the first seven sentences.
 "Although it was already quarter to nine in the morning no sunlight shone down on Thorburn High School. Instead the school grounds were barely illuminated by flickering lights trying to fend off the shadows and guide the schoolkids to the warm, well-lit school building.
One such schoolkid who was desperate to reach the shelter of the school building was Kale Lindop. But it wasn't the sleet or the storm that drove Kale's rush towards shelter. It was the shadows. Or, to be precise, the blood, red eyes that gleamed out of the shadows. The eyes that, when you looked close enough, belonged to a cloaked shape that seemed to be woven from the very shadows it inhabited."
I welcome any comments on what you think about this little section of my book :)

Thursday, 5 April 2012

No School!!!!!!! (kinda)

It's the last day of term and I've been thinking about what I want to do these holidays. So I've decided to make a list of my plans.

1) Meet up with my drama teacher to write the script for next term's show together
2) Write enough of my book so that I can actually say I'm writing a book and not just planning on writing a book
3) Get ahead in my schoolwork that I'm a little bit behind in due to my operation and my school books arriving late
4) Find a decent book series to read in my spare time next term

I'm hoping I accomplish them all but I'm not sure about the last one as I've been searching for a long time.......

Rus Challenge days 4-5

Pro 4:1-4  Listen, children, to your father's instruction, and pay attention in order to gain understanding. I give you sound teaching, so do not abandon my instruction. When I was a son to my father, not yet strong and an only son to my mother, he taught me and told me, "Let your heart fully embrace what I have to say; keep my commandments and live!

This chapter talks a lot about not just listening to instructions but "keeping them within your heart". It made me wonder do I put God's, and my parents, instructions in my heart? Like actually valuing them so much that, for example, when I read my Bible I don't just read it but I memorize verses and then think about what I've read and meditate on what God is speaking to me about..... Often I read my Bible and that's it. I've "done" my reading for the day when really God's words should be guiding me all day not just when I feel like reading His Word.

Pro 5:21  Indeed, what a man does is always in the LORD's presence, and he weighs all his paths.

This verse reminds us that no matter what we are doing God is watching. And you can't make excuses because God can see your reasons for why you do things. It also encouraged me because I was reminded that whatever we are doing even when we are sinning or being tempted God is there. He reminded me that no matter what situation we find ourselves in God is ready and waiting to help us.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The 31 day RUS Challenge

On Sunday our pastor challenged us to the RUS challenge. The challenge is to read part of chapter of Proverbs every day of April and the first day of May and then share what you've learned.You start with Proverbs 1 on the first and then read chapter 2 the next day and so on so forth.

I know I am a few days behind but better late than never right?

Pro 1:15  My son, do not go along with them, and keep your feet away from their path

Often there will be things around me (books, movies, etc...) that tempt me to do things I know aren't right. I find it really easy to mentally tell myself that I won't do what I know to be wrong but then for some reason I leave those temptations where they are and have to struggle against them all the time. It would be so much simpler if I removed those things and then I wouldn't have to worry about them.

Pro 2:1-6  My son, if you accept my words, and treasure my instructions, making your ear attentive to wisdom, and turning your heart to understanding, if, indeed, you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it like hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and learn to know God. For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

This really made me question how much I value God's instruction (eg. the Bible). Do I treasure what I read? Is it something really valuable to me? Do I wake up each morning really, really looking forward to reading it? Yes I enjoy reading it but often I place other books I'm reading or schoolwork ahead of it in my priority list. Definitely something to work on.

Pro 3:12  because the LORD corrects the person he loves, just as a father corrects the son he delights in.

When I read this it reminded me that God loves me and it's because God loves us that He corrects us. He could just give up on us when we sin but instead He decides to lovingly instruct us and teach us. He doesn't just tell us we sinned He shows us that we made a mistake and then takes us on a journey to heal us and help us overcome obstacles in our walk with Him.

I'm so glad that my God cares so much about me