Almost every day I take a moment to take a deep breath. In through my nose and out through my mouth. This may seem slightly odd but I get a ridiculous amount of pleasure out of this simple exercise.
Up until this February I had been unable to do this. For as long as I can remember I've been unable to breath through my nose. I've taken multiple different sprays/tablets and nothing has helped. I went to a specialist and they got me to try all the sprays again. Finally I had an operation but still nothing. So I went back to the specialist. However since I had just been moved into the adult list I had to go through more nasal sprays that did nothing. Finally in February I had a more serious operation and, IT WORKED!!!!!!
Now when I breath through my nose air actually fills my lungs. This may seem like a minor inconvenience to you but it was a horrible experience and now that I'm past it the simple pleasure of breathing is amazing.
This made me wonder. How many 'simple pleasures' do we take for granted? Because there is so much in our lives to enjoy that we take for granted.
On another note my adorable kitten Mouse has pretty much recovered from his Conjunctivitis and minor viral infection in his upper respiratory tract. This means no more forcing ointment into his eye while he squirms to escape.
Also I finally finished an essay I've been 'working on' for a couple of weeks. I was told to argue that the punishment should fit the crime in 600-900 words. By the way by working on it for a couple if weeks I mean that I started and finished it in two hours this morning. To be honest I hated the topic. My mind kept wandering into the psychological side of who decides what punishment fits what crime. That wasn't the topic though so I forced myself to write and now it's finished.
Good night my 5 followers :)